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I just updated OBS, and it gave everything a neat graphical lick of paint. Nothing to be alarmed about, I’ve readjusted some of the boxes to make e.g. the VU meter a bit larger, but otherwise everything should work as before.

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New Recording process

Hey! I’ve made a significant, but hopefully not too intrusive, change to the way in which we will store our sermon recordings. Story So Far We stopped streaming, then we moved to recording, and now we’re going back to somewhere in the middle. It became apparent during my paternity leave that there was no easy way to get the recordings you made on a Sunday onto youtube easily for midweek groups to use as a resource. This obviously means the process is too dependent on one person. The change is this: we’ll stream the sermon to a private stream on

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Adding notice powerpoint into pro presenter & creating highlights

In ProPresenter go up to Edit -> Import. Navigate to St Mary’s Team Sit / Weekly Bulletin and Notices, and select the Notice 2023.pptz file and click open. (There’s a shortcut to the folder onn the left in the File Explorer) A bar appears indicating progress. In the box that appears on top, select the Notices library from the drop down menu. Head to the notices Library now on the left menu Right click on “Notices 2023” and rename it to that Sunday’s date (yyyy-mm-dd) Now on the right hand side of that screen, you can set the slide duration

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Service start Playlist

There’s now a specific playlist for the start of the service – just check to see what song is first in the order of service, but basically you can hit shuffle and play and be good to go. Have this playing as soon as the band finish rehearsing. For after the service, be ready to go so that as the service end / clergy does blessing, you’re fading up the Termly Playlist in

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