

As a church we have very strong relationships with our local Christian schools and it is really wonderful that so many of our parents at St Mary’s are keen to send their children to them each year.  

All parents seeking a foundation place at any Church School will need a reference from the church they attend to support their application as either a ‘regular worshipper’ or a ‘member’.   

While it is possible to be a member of the church, but not a regular attender, to be considered a ‘regular attender’ a parent needs to attend church at least twice a month (26 times a year) for a period of time such as 3years, 18 months or 1 year, prior to their application, depending on the school.  Our local schools require at least one parent to meet this criteria.

Here at St Mary’s we have two ways of helping parents to mark their attendance:

  • A parent’s register, a book kept at the back of church, and able to be signed each week
  • Our weekly children’s registers taken for all our children’s groups

If your children attend a group on Sunday, the register acts as our sign in, so there is no need to also sign the book at the back of church.

It is really important to us that we are completely transparent and truthful in our reference process and so, while we understand that it can feel strange having to register our attendance at worship, we encourage every parent who will be seeking a clergy reference to make use of the register if their children are not signed into a children’s group.

Please note that those who have recently moved to the area and who worshipped previously in a different church, or faith community, will be asked to supply information so the school can seek a reference showing that the whole period is covered.


As a Christian school the majority of the places at St Bede’s are given to Christian families who have been regular attenders and members at local churches.  In 2025/6 there are 330 place available – 270 Foundation (Church of England & Catholic) places, 50 Free Church places and 10 Open places.

YEAR 7 ENTRY 2025 / 2026
The application process begins on 1 September 2024 and ends on 31 October 2024.

If you are seeking a place at St Bede’s, please visit the school website and read the Admissions policy 2025/6

Regular worshipper’ is defined as attendance of one or more parent/carers at worship at least fortnightly for at least three years immediately prior to application. Those who have recently moved to the area and who worshipped previously in a different church or faith community will be asked to supply information so the school can seek a reference showing that the three-year period is covered.

Here at St Mary’s we have two ways of helping parents to mark their attendance:

  • A parent’s register, kept at the back of church, and able to be signed each week
  • Our weekly children’s registers taken for all our children’s groups

If you are seeking a clergy reference from us, please let us know by 14 October 2024.  We will check our attendance records and get back to you by 21 October 2024. 

If you need any help with any of this, please do get in touch with Catherine Farrow (Operations  Team Leader) by email or by calling the office.


ENTRY 2025 / 2026

The application process begins on 4 November 2024 and ends on 15 January 2025.   

If you are seeking a place at the Parish School, please visit the school website and read the Admissions policy


ENTRY 2025 / 26

The application process begins on 4 November 2024 and ends on 15 January 2025.   

If you are seeking a place at Trinity Oaks, please visit the school website and read the Admissions policy



We’re passionate about helping you build a strong foundation for family life in all its complexity and joy.  We want to help you in caring for and parenting your children as part of a community that understands the challenges you face and wants to encourage you as we seek to create ‘God connected children’.  This is a whole life activity and we are her for the long haul.  

This is a shared activity that matters to us deeply.