Chained to the pocket
Dopamine’s rocket
Distraction device stuck by glue
And try as I might
Though I hold it so tight
Of my fingers: watch the hours slip through
So I put it away.
I abstain for a day.
From the drawer, I hear Babylon’s din:
“You’re in exile, slave!
And you’ll swipe to your grave! ”
Out it comes once again to blend in
With my knees firmly bowed
And just one of a crowd
I remember the truth of a king
He’s the one who’s not dead
Who holds me tight instead
And he whispers: “Stand up, and breath in ”
And the air! It’s so clear
Standing up from the fear
Of a culture and king decomposed
For the babe of nativity
Gives us life not captivity
With him king Bab’lon’s lies are exposed!
Josh Says:
Aah, poetry. A short piece on reflection of being chained to our phones and devices, and of how tightly we hold them. How much more so then does our king and saviour hold us in response to the rubbish from Babylon?