The “Self-isolated” Disciple
These ideas are inspired from Stanmore Chapel who were inspired, in turn, by Christian brothers and sisters in Italy who’ve been trying to make the most of their isolation. Hope these are helpful!
Binge on the Bible, not Netflix! (Psalm 1: 1 – 2)
Self-isolating might actually mean we have more time on our hands. Wouldn’t it be great to use the extra time to read more of God’s word; maybe whole books of the bible in one go? Why not read that Christian book you’ve never had time to start?
Check in with God before checking the News (Isaiah 26: 3 – 4)
It’s great to have such amazing access to what’s going on in the world… but far more amazing is our access to the One who made it. Let’s spend more time trusting and depending on Him because the News is not News to Him.
Every day is a day to say ‘Thank-you’ (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
These difficult times are a great opportunity to grow in the discipline of Thankfulness. Even as we ask Him to end this suffering, let’s also remember His daily kindness to us, even if it’s just ‘Thank-you God for my hot cup of tea this morning’. Why not start and end the day with a thank-you prayer?
Be in the battle.
This might be a completely new situation for lots of us… but sin is still crouching at the door. In fact many of our weaknesses and addictions may surface during all this spare time and lack of our usual preoccupations. How will we fill our lives with God to confront and head off those things which could derail us and undermine our identity in Christ?
Meeting up without meeting up (Hebrews 10:25)
Don’t letCovid-19 give us an excuse to stop ‘meeting together’. We may not be able to meet physically but praise God for technology and the ways we can use it to keep encouraging one another. Schedule calls like you would coffees. Eat food over a skype/ facetime/ zoom. Find creative ways to ensure that your bible study and prayer times with friends continue.
As any had need… (Acts 2: 44 – 45)
Every day is still a chance to serve each other. Does anybody need groceries? Does anybody need money? Does anyone need prayer? We don’t want self-isolation to lead to self-centredness. Keep looking out for the church family.
Submissive citizens (Romans 13: 1)
As boredom or frustration kicks in, the temptation to go against government advice grows. Remember God sits on the throne above them all and has given them for our good.
The word of God is not bound! (2 Timothy 2: 8 – 9)
Enjoy your freedom to read and share and pass on God’s word. There might be unique ministry opportunities in this time. Maybe you have time to start a new 1:1 bible study with a friend? Or a prayer triplet? You might not be able to leave your house but the word of God has no boundaries.
Light in the darkness (John 8:12)
Keep sharing the gospel with non-Christian friends. This dying world needs the Lord of Life and a positive story to explain who we are and where our security lies. No crisis is out of His control. What a great opportunity to share the certain hope we have in Jesus.
Learn scripture (Joshua 1:8)
You know why. This is a great opportunity to build up your armoury of scripture to equip, comfort, authorise, and school both yourself and others. If you have a smartphone there are plenty of helpful apps, e.g. Scripture Typer/ Bible